Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, May 23, 2011

Doctor appointment, massage class, and a family visitor

Mom and Logan both had our 6 week checkups recently. We both checked out great! Logan has grown to be 9 lbs 13 oz and is a little over 22 inches. She also got some vaccines, and the shots may have been harder to suffer through for Mom than for Logan! 

In a much happier appointment, we attended an infant massage class at Mom's massage therapy school . Mom has training in infant massage, so this was a great opportunity for Dad to learn and bond with Logan. Dad did great, and Logan loved the massage! She is a girl after my own heart!
Mom's Uncle Peter,  (Nana J's older brother), was in Denver for business and stopped by to meet Logan. We hope to see him and the rest of his family this summer!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day

How exciting to celebrate being a Mommy this weekend! The weather was beautiful in Denver, so we went on a family picnic in the park by our house
Lo loved laying out in the sun!
Bowman loved the sun too!

My first dinner out at a restaurant. We went to PF Chang's Monday night for a belated Mother's Day dinner celebration

Thursday, May 5, 2011

1 month old. April 31th, 2011

I'm growing so fast! My month photo shoot with Ms. Zola's beautiful handmade quilt

Aaaand I'm done!

A Condensed Update

It's been a minute since we've done a new blog post, and it seems as though lots has happened since our last update! Here is a recap what has been going on in the Davis' household over the past few weeks:
Daddy gave me my first bottle at 3 weeks. We needed to be sure I would take one before Momma goes back to work
First bath in the tub at 3 weeks. Thank goodness that cord stump is gone.

Nice and warm out of the bath
First Easter. Thanks Cousin Nance for the Easter Bunny!
The family on Easter Sunday at Nancy's.
Don't be silly Daddy. I'm not a football!
With Uncle Sam on Easter.
I'm such a good sleeper. I'm up to 5 hours straight at night!
At my first party. Goodbye Glenn!